5 Steps to planning a funeral reception

It’s never a pleasant experience when a loved one dies, and taking on the responsibility of planning the funeral reception may seem even worse.

However, it may be easier than you think here’s how you can plan a funeral in 5 easy steps.

1. Finding a funeral home/ company

You should look for a company that offers all the services you want. The price of funeral homes can vary dramatically based on the company and what services are included in your price. Contacting multiple companies and receiving quotes can be the best way to ensure that you’re getting the best prices and allow you to explore all the services available to you.

2. Determine the location

The location where the reception will take place is important because it defines what services can take place, how many people can attend, and more. You should choose your location wisely; if you plan on being outside at any time be sure to take a quick look at the weather so that you can plan accordingly.

3. Explore food options

It’s common to enjoy a meal together after a funeral as a part of the reception. Food has always been one of the best ways to bring loved ones together. You can hire a caterer, or you can ask some of the guests to donate dishes to ease the planning pressure. If you’re up for it you may consider cooking a few dishes yourself. Make sure you determine your menu items ahead of time, doing so will make the whole process easier.

4. Get assigned helpers

You may be able to plan a funeral on your own, but you definitely cant perform all the tasks necessary to perform the event by yourself. Helpers can be anyone willing to help from friends and family to religious volunteers. Helpers will be necessary for setting up seating, serving food, playing music, singing, etc.

5. Inform attendees

Attendees are the people who are attending the funeral so you must find a method to tell them funeral reception details such as when and where. This can easily be done through text messages, word of mouth, social media, etc. It’s very tempting to skip over this step, but, it’s important, as it prevents misinformation and people missing the event.

Upon the completion of these 5 steps, you will have a successful and stress-free funeral reception.