What Is the Purpose of Higher Education in the 21st Century

College education leads to a number of benefits such as achieving a successful career and financial security in the future. In fact, recent statistics show that workers with a college degree can earn up to $1 million more than workers without postsecondary education and 84% of Americans report that a college degree is essential in getting ahead in life.

Higher education also plays key roles in other areas of lives. Several studies prove that college education can boost happiness and lead to higher self-confidence, higher job satisfaction, better health, and improve your overall quality of life.

How Do College Admissions work?

Thanks to technology, most colleges now require students to apply online. This has made it easier for admission officers to review and decide on thousands of applications in a period short time.

Admission officers are able to decipher whether a student has a shot within moments of opening an application. It’s therefore critical to make sure you make a good first impression on your application folder.

Your record in and outside the high school classroom and attention to detail in the application will show the admission officers the type of contribution you can make at their college. Colleges and universities require other supporting materials such as an essay describing the student’s interest and why they would like to join the school.

It is important to remember that every university and college has its own admissions process. For instance, Ivy League Schools and other top universities have rigorous expectations. You will require competitive test scores, High GPA, two SAT Subject Tests (math and science), strong extracurricular background and recommendations from your teachers, counselor and other reputable people who know you.

Why You Might Want to Get College Admissions Consulting Specialists

As the importance of college education continues to grow, college admissions have become incredibly competitive. Students face a variety of issues from when to apply to develop the activity list.

College admission consulting specialists such as Ivy League Consulting help you navigate the stressful and often confusing world of college applications. They have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and tools to help you position yourself best for acceptance.

Choosing a College Admissions Consulting Specialist

It’s helpful to understand your consulting firm, how experienced they are and what kind of preparation they have. Experienced and knowledgeable consultants have gone through the application process hundreds of times with other students. This gives … Read the rest

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What Are Some Things That One Can Do to Get Organized While Applying For College?

When the time comes to apply to your top few colleges, the experience can be both confusing and stressful. Just how do you go about extolling your own virtues and accomplishments in a way that makes you appealing and unique? Keep in mind that admissions counselors have thousands of applications to review, and you only have seconds to set yourself apart.

The admissions consultants at ivy select know exactly how to help you to get noticed by those all-important elite university gate-keepers. Accomplished top-tier university graduates in their own right, they will walk with you on every step of your elite school applications process, providing you with any help you need for your college search, campus visitation, your essay, letters of recommendation, financial considerations and much more.

At ivy select, we don’t just give lip service about how good we are. In fact, we have numerous testimonials from students who have benefited from our advice and assistance. After partnering with our eminently qualified counselors and consultants, our clients have been accepted at many of the world’s top educational institutions. These include Harvard, Georgetown, Stanford, the University of Chicago, Princeton, Duke and Oxford University in the UK as well as many more.

Every member of our ivy select staff understands that acceptance into top-flight schools involves much more than high test stores, exemplary grades and demonstrated extracurricular activities. If you want an expert guide to help you find that unique aspect about you that no one else possesses, the characteristic that will get you noticed by elite universities, contact us today to find out more. Soon you will be embarking on a journey of discovery and self-promotion that could lead to success beyond your wildest dreams.
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Best Cities for Artists to Make a Living

For upcoming artist many say,”i wanna live in los angeles”. Los Angeles has long been a hub for groundbreaking music. In its diverse, performance-friendly venues, iconic artists such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Black Eyed Peas, Rage Against the Machine, The Byrds, Metallica and Kendrick Lamar all got their start. The great news is that this trend towards fantastic sound shows no signs of fading away anytime soon, and these artists are here to prove it.


Getting a record deal of any kind isn’t easy these days, so imagine how impressive a singer must be in order to grab the attention of alicia keys and kanye west. That’s exactly what Kacy Hill has done. Her 2017 debut album, Like a Woman, is a lyrically complex and vocally sleek introduction that has brought this adopted Los Angelina right into the fold.


This son of South Central didn’t get his street cred by using social media boasting; he has the hard-life back story to substantiate it. Fortunately, he has chosen to convert the direct violence with which he was all too familiar into his music. The result is a refreshing mix of old-school and gansta rap that pleases all of the generations.


This latest delicacy on the menu of L.A.’s famous Top Dog Entertainment is just as noteworthy as some of its past offerings, which include Schoolboy Q, Kendrick Lamar, SZA and Isaiah Rashad. Coming from a musical family, SiR took a while to let his talent shine; he didn’t really get started until he was 22. Nevertheless, he has certainly made up for lost time and can boast about writing for Stevie Wonder and working alongside fellow L.A. son Anderson .Paak..


If you have been wondering whatever happened to L.A. psych-rocker Robert Tilden, he’s still around. His new band, Boyo, is a reincarnation of his former group, Bobby T. and the Slackers. Much remains of their former style but with a little tenderness to soften the edges.


In an era when the auto-tuner is king, it’s a refreshing change to dive into Pastel Felt’s low-fi, analog sound that swims in a murky pool of muddy reverb and fuzzy guitars. The foundation that underlies this throwback band is Tara Milch’s complex song-writing, which takes Pastel Felt far beyond the stereotypical sun-soaked L.A. surfer sound.


This highly listenable L.A. pop rock Read the rest

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How to Get Rid of White Spots on Teeth After Whitening

Today, more consumers are interested in keeping their teeth as white as possible. Pardon the pun! While it’s been said that first impressions are lasting impressions, it is certainly true to suggest that the shade of our teeth can definitely affect people’s perception of us. The good news is that you can use a variety of methods to keep your teeth as white as possible. Here are some of the most popular products and methods:

1. Brush, floss and rinse properly.

This is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to keep your teeth as white as possible. You should brush two or three times daily, floss once, and rinse with mouthwash in the morning and evening. Make sure to wait about an hour after eating to brush says Janet from Dentist Santa Clarita since your teeth’s enamel will soften right after eating. Also, review your brushing and flossing techniques. Ashley Black, a dentist at Dental SCV warns, “Make sure you are brushing in a circular motion when brushing the front of your teeth. We cannot stress that enough to our customers.” While we do them on a daily basis, once we start using the wrong methods then we have to unlearn them – there is always room for improvement.

2. Use whitening toothpaste.

This type of toothpaste differs from the standard variety since it contains ingredients that professional teeth whiteners also have. While this toothpaste is effective, it’s also mild. So you could use it on a daily basis; however, don’t expect instant results.

3. Use natural teeth whiteners.

Mother Nature produces some fantastic natural teeth whiteners, including:

* Bay leaves

* Lemons

* Orange peels

* Strawberries

* Vegetables (crunchy)

These remedies are fantastic since they’re readily available, all-natural and, most importantly, effective in whitening teeth!

4. Minimize your intake of tea, coffee, and sodas.

Although these beverages can be oh-so-tasty, they can also stain your teeth. If you absolutely, positively must have such beverages, then you should minimize the amount that you drink. Another method you can use is to drink through a straw. The straw will allow the drinks to flow past your teeth, and thus avoid staining them.

5. Visit your dentist for regular checkups.

“Regular” means biannually, at least. While regular dental checkups are crucial, it’s something that we often keep delaying until cavities form in our teeth. Particularly with all the stuff Read the rest

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SMS Delivers Messages to the Appropriate Mobile Device

Marketing is an essential part of any business. Every business needs marketing of their products and services so that the prospective clients are aware of their offerings. There are different marketing methods that are prevalent in the business world today. SMS marketing is one of the most popular marketing methods that are used by business all over the world. There are several benefits of SMS messaging over other marketing channels. They are as discussed below:

1. The most popular benefit of SMS marketing is that it is an immediate and direct channel. When you send a message to your prospective clients, the text is delivered to their phone right away. Most of the recipients read the message within 15 minutes of delivery, so you can be assured that your message will be read by the prospects quickly. The text messages are also a direct channel as the message is sent directly to the personal number of the prospective clients. There is no chain here, so there is no chance that the message will be lost midway. When your marketing efforts are immediate and direct, you can expect customers to get back to you if they require your products or services.

2. Another great benefit of using Short Messaging Service for business promotion and marketing is that it helps you to learn more about your customers.

Troy Morton, a general manager with Textedly sheds some light, “You can conduct short surveys via SMS so that the clients can respond back sharing their views. Your clients can give feedback of your products or services, and in this way you can learn about the views of your valuable clients. The best thing is that the responses are quick as opposed to email marketing where clients take more time to respond. They are more likely to engage because they are less annoyed by a simple question than an entire email with a bunch of different questions.”

3. One great benefit that can be achieved with SMS messaging over other marketing methods is that there are no barriers. When you opt for email marketing, the recipients can add you to spam list ensuring your emails do not land in your inbox. The case is different with SMS marketing as generally clients do not have the option to mark you as spam. As the SMS will not be blocked, you can continue to send messages. … Read the rest

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